2. Political Cartoons/Propaganda Posters
This political cartoon shows the US dumping arms from a dock built from the US, stretching out close to Europe. This image represents what the lend lease act was. The US had attempted to stay neutral by not selling or trading with any warring nations. Then the lend lease act was passed, which allowed the US to sell to the British. The cartoon has the arms being dumped into the ocean, then drifting to England. This is conveying how the US directly contradicted its neutrality by selling to a warring nation. Through sarcasm the contradiction is clearly seen.

This next image is a US propaganda poster. This poster, like many others, is trying to get citizens, who are not enlisted, to conserve just about all materials possible. This specific poster is an attempt at trying to get people to carpool, in order to conserve fuel, mechanical parts, etc. The poster conveys this through making it look as though if you refused to carpool, or share vehicles, then you were helping Germany in the war; specifically helping Hitler. I imagine that this would be an effective technique, because it could reach the point where if you refused to join a car'sharing program then you could end up appearing to help the enemy. Nobody would want this.

This last image is yet again a propaganda poster. It is, however, a German propaganda poster. This image is a attempt at making Hitler seem to be a great, friendly man who is there to help the people. This message is conveyed through the image of children. The poster shows Hitler having fun with innocent kids. How the children appear to adore Hitler in the poster will give him an image of greatness, and purity.
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